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Speeding up QMCPy with Distributable C Code

Many Python packages rely on underlying C or C++ code to speed up their numerical methods. For example, NumPy calls C and C++ extensions in order to speed up matrix manipulation algorithms.

Real Python’s article Python Bindings: Calling C or C++ From Python discusses a few reasons why you may want to utilize C or C++ extensions within your Python package. Perhaps you already have a stable library in C or C++ that you want to call from Python. Our approach in this blog will allow the existing extension to be called from Python with only minor code modifications. You may also be interested speeding up you Python code by moving it to a compiled language that can optimize subroutines. For example, in QMCPy we have found that many low discrepancy sequence generators are significantly faster when implemented in C.

So why not implement everything in C or C++? In our experience, Python delivers a convenience, readability, and community engagement that allow for rapid development, testing, and distribution to a large audience of active users.

While the benefits of moving certain modules to C/C++ have been well documented, implementing these extensions to play nicely with your existing Python codebase can often be quite tricky. Moreover, writing extensions for platform-independent distribution with PyPI (so someone can pip install yourPackage) can be even more challenging. In this blog post we share how we developed the QMCPy package [1] to be platform agnostic while utilizing C extensions.


When you first explore writing C/C++ extensions you will likely come across Python’s recommended solution. This approach requires a good bit of boilerplate code and prohibits plug-and-play of an existing C/C++ library. QMCPy’s approach uses the ctypes library to call a C function with a few lines Python defining the arguments and return values of the compiled function.

Let us now turn to an example from our QMCPy library. Based on Art Owen’s work in [2], we wrote the below Halton generator in C. Note that the implementation does not contain all the boilerplate code of a native Python solution, but instead may be used as a standalone C file.

#include "MRG63k3a.h"
static int primes[1000] = {2, 3, 5, 7, ...};
EXPORT void halton_owen(int n, int d, int n0, int d0, 
                        int randomize, double *ans, long long seed){
    seed_MRG63k3a(seed); ...}

A few important notes about the above code are the use of #includeEXPORT, and long long. Depending on the compiler, such as gcc or windows cl.exe, EXPORT allows us to expose a function, in the above case halton_owen, so that the python code can invoke it. When you EXPORT a function it makes the C code available to ctypes. The Halton generator utilizes the MRG63k3a random number generator [3] which is stored in a separate file. We can call this function by creating a .h file that defines the external function we wish to call. In MRG63k3a.h we define the seed_MRG63k3a method which is then included and used in the above Halton generator.

When your Python package is installed, the C compiler that builds the extensions is platform-specific. We found that the gcc compiler uses 8 bytes to store a long while Window’s cl.exe compiler uses only 4. As a workaround, we suggest using the long long datatype which is 8 bytes for both gcc and cl.exe. A nice way to verify you are using gcc and debug these cross-language problems is to intentionally trigger compiler errors.

With these three C files (Halton generator, MRG63k3a, and MRG63k3a’s header), we are ready call our function from Python.

Python Code

First, we will use ctypes to define our function from Python. ctypes requires that we define the arguments and return values of our Halton function in order for it to be treated like a native Python function. Below is an example of how to set up and call our Halton function in C using Python.

import ctypes
from ctypes import CDLL, RTLD_GLOBAL
from os.path import dirname, abspath
from glob import glob
from numpy import *

# load the library 
c_lib = CDLL(
    mode = RTLD_GLOBAL)

# define the function arguments
halton_cf = c_lib.halton_owen
halton_cf.argtypes = [
    ctypes.c_int,  # n
    ctypes.c_int,  # d
    ctypes.c_int, # n0
    ctypes.c_int, # d0
    ctypes.c_int, # randomize
    ctypeslib.ndpointer( # result array 
        flags = 'C_CONTIGUOUS'),  
    ctypes.c_long]  # seed

# define the return value
halton_cf.restype = None

# example call to the function
#   create an empty array to fill with Halton points
x = zeros((5,3), dtype=double)
#   fill the array with 5, 3-dimensional Halton points
halton_cf(5, 3, 0, 0, True, x, 17)

The second piece of Python code you will need is a The file defines the C extensions of your package and helps prepare your package for distribution on PyPI. While it is possible to compile and call your extension function without a file, we found this method to be the easiest and most straightforward for package distribution.

Below is a snippet from our file that defines the extensions, packages, and other metadata. Note that we use the setuptools package to easily define our distribution properties although distutils may also be used.

import setuptools
from setuptools import Extension

# define package API
packages = [


When distributing your package on PyPI, you may come across an error regarding missing .h files e.g., the MRG63k3a.h file mentioned earlier. For this file to be included in your distribution, you need to include a file that defines all the non-Python and non-C code to be included. That way the .h files (and other files) will be included in your package distribution. We provide a sample from our below.

include qmcpy/discrete_distribution/c_lib/*.h
include qmcpy/discrete_distribution/sobol/generating_matrices/*.npy
include qmcpy/discrete_distribution/lattice/generating_vectors/*.npy


  1. Choi,  S.-C. T., Hickernell, F., McCourt, M. & Sorokin,  A. QMCPy: A quasi-Monte Carlo PythonLibrary 2020.
  2. Owen, A. B. A randomized Halton algorithm in R 2017. arXiv: 1706.02808 [stat.CO].
  3. L’Ecuyer, P.  Good Parameters and Implementations for Combined Multiple Recursive Random Number Generators. Operations Research 47, 159–164. (1999).
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